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Shiba Inu’s Teeth

Regarding dogs, teeth are masticators and weapons. In the case of Shiba Inu, they are fairly scrutinized in dog show as they are the criteria. Many people pay attention to missing teeth and occlusion, but the basic knowledge such as tooth development is often not well known. It is important to have a good understanding of Shiba Inu's teeth. In dogs, teeth that begin to grow about 20 days after birth are called milk teeth, and teeth that start to grow alternately about 100 days after birth are called permanent teeth.

The order of milk teeth growth (although there are individual differences) From about 20 days after birth, the upper incisors begin to grow, then the lower incisors grow. At the same time, canine teeth grow. Premolars grow around 30 days after birth. About 45 days after birth, all 28 milk teeth will grow up. At the stage of milk teeth, the first premolars and molars don't grow. The order of permanent teeth growth The replacement of incisors begins around 100 days after birth. The replacement of premolars begins around 120 days after birth. A little later, molars begin to grow. Finally, the replacement of the canine teeth begins. All 42 permanent teeth will grow up by 6 to 7 months after birth at the latest.

欠歯(Japanese:Kesshi)and 失歯(Shisshi) Teeth that do not grow innately are called Kesshi. Basically, if the milk teeth are missing, the permanent teeth also don't grow although there are exceptions. And a tooth that is lost later is called Shisshi. and a tooth which is chipped partially is called 欠損歯.(Kessonshi) From the point of the size, among the Japanese dogs which have missing teeth, large and medium size dogs are few, but small size dogs have the majority. Also, from the data of the 日本犬保存会(Japanese:Nihonken hozonkai or NIPPO, The Japanese dogs preservation society) the teeth that are likely to become Kesshi are as follows. 1. The first premolars (upper and lower jaw) 2. The second premolars (upper and lower jaw) 3. The third molars in the lower jaw 4. Third incisor (upper and lower jaw) Third molars in the upper jaw, fourth premolars and molars are rarely Kesshi.


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