Dog Training Method #2 "Muzzle control"

"Hold still" and "Muzzle control" are important training exercises for dogs.
"Hold still" is to hold a dog from behind and calm him down.
"Muzzle control" is to hold a dog's muzzle during "Hold still".
Both are effective to make your dog obedient.
This post will explain the specific "Muzzle control" method.
・ “Muzzle control” method

Muzzle control is also one of the important necessary training in order to make your dog obedient.
It means that you freely control his muzzle while doing "Hold still".
First, in the "Hold still" state, lightly point your dog's mouth upwards.
If you could do that, then point it downward and then to the right, and change hands and point to the left. If you can, try turning it around.
Dogs hunt and eat with their mouths. So the mouth is a vital thing for dogs.
Therefore, if your dog lets you control his mouth, it means that he is really obedient to you.
You can also check his obedience by occasionally sticking your finger into his mouth while doing "Muzzle control". If you successfully perform "Muzzle control" and he is obedient enough, he will stay calm and not bite.
・ If your dog refuses "Muzzle control", don't hold his muzzle with your fingers closed.

Some dogs resist or refuse when you perform "Muzzle control".
In such cases, please do not hold his muzzle with your thumb and forefinger, with your fingers closed.
If you hold it in that way, your hand will slip out when he shakes his head.
Instead, you should hold it with all your fingers open.

If he resists and rampages, lock his jaw firmly.
If your hand goes down from his lower jaw, it will reach his throat and it may make your dog struggle, so please pay attention to fix your hand at his lower jaw.
Even if he resists and struggles a little, you will not be bitten if you lock his lower jaw.
If you lock it well, he will stop resisting immediately.
・If you can perform "Muzzle control" well, you can easily let your dog take medicine

You can let your dog take medicine easily at "Muzzle control".
During "Muzzle control", open his mouth and just put the medicine into his mouth.
When he closes his mouth, he will stick out his tongue, and the moment he sticks out his tongue, he will swallow the medicine.